Pendulums are wonderful tools to communicate with your spirit guides, loved ones and can also help to provide guidance/answers and during healing to identify and remove blockages.
We have also used pendulums to cleanse and charge gemstones. It is fascinating to watch the pendulum at work!
The below guidance based on our experience and personal use of pendulums. You must remember that pendulums are divination tools and as such must be used with caution.
If you apply simple rules of protection you will enjoy developing your connection to spirit through them.
Make sure that after you purchase a pendulum, you cleanse it and program it.
You will only need to program your pendulum once unless you want to make any change. The aim is to establish signals for Yes, No, Maybe (I don't know/I can't say/The question is vague)
1-Cleanse the energy around you. 2-Sit comfortably in a straight position, feet flat on the ground. 3-Free your mind. Take a few deep breaths. 4-Ground yourself. 5-Arch your wrist slightly, steady your arm and let your pendulum dangle holding the end of the chain by your thumb and forefinger. 6-Decide what the signals will be (front to back like a head nodding can be used for Yes, side to side like a head shaking can be used for No, clockwise circle, counter clockwise circle). 7-Show your pendulum the signals, saying for example "When I ask a question and the answer is Yes, move like this (say the signal chosen)". 8-To check if the programming is successful, ask mundane questions only you know the answers to. The pendulum should move in the directions specified. If it does not, repeat the steps until successfully programmed.
At the beginning of each session, make sure your pendulum taps into the higher self and is not getting answers from the subs-conscious or call upon one of your spiritual guides or a loved one in spirit.
You can say for example “I call upon my higher self to answer my questions. I only seek truthful answers for the highest and greatest good of all. Thank you". (or use any words you are comfortable with).
Follow steps 1 to 5 every time you use your pendulum.
Do not use your pendulum when you are emotionally ungrounded or upset and do not try to influence the answer. Be patient and allow the pendulum time to swing. Only ask your pendulum questions that can be answered by Yes or No. Be specific and assertive with your questions (Give details that will narrow the subject and do not use the word "Should" in your questions.)
If questions relate to a person, a place or an object you could place a picture/the object under the pendulum to build up the connection.
Remember that spirits will not answer questions related to your love and life. They are not fortune tellers. For example: "Am I going to find love in the next week" or "Am I going to pass next year" or even try to guess the winning lottery numbers.
Love and Light